John Chamberlain
Java Software Links
 Software and Sourcecode Resources
Jars - the top Java software site; has reviews
JFind - categarized links to around 2000 Java programs
Java-Software - a German shareware site in English
 Java Sections in General Collections 
Dave Central - a large shareware repository
The Free Site - Java freeware, mostly applets
IT Pro Downloads - a good shareware resource
ZDNet - popular repository
 Source Code 
Devx's Sourcebank - a large sourcecode repository
Programmer's Heaven - software, code, articles etc
 Public Projects
Source Forge's Java Foundry - public source code publishing (thousands of projects)
Apache's Jakarta Project - sponsors 21 major Java projects
GNU Java - the GNU organization's Java projects
 Logic and Language Systems
Robert Tolksdorf - Java language links
Jess - Java Expert System Shell from Sandia labs
Jinni - commercial Prolog system
JLog - Prolog system with an educational focus
Java Software Links · · Revised 17 November 2003